A Complete Explanation Of Everything
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Whither I may wander...
I've been spinning thoughts in my mind, for the longest while, well probably more concretely this past two weeks seeing as my annual leave is now effectively over till next year, about where next?
Since my round the world in a whirlwind tour lasting four months, I've taken this year to re-acclimatise and visit friends, family and relations and a bit of Europe. I've hit Italy and Slovakia for the first time this year and will have a short weekend in Madrid before the year's end and perhaps even Munich for a short hit on the beer bong at Oktoberfest. So that'll be Germany and Spain added to the first time ever list.
As a kid growing up, I literally went to France every year which was more than most, I'll readily admit but the variety of going somewhere different was kinda denied and that probably led to the break out last year and run across four continents. Perhaps not the mature response.
In any case, I've concretised it down to three major options at this point, that hey, will all be done at some point and two fallbacks which will also be done at some point. It's all just a question of when and in what order. There's also the small matter of little Dave in Foshan, China who might seem the rational choice for a visit but I did stop in and say hello when he was in Vancouver and he's probably moved to China for life at this stage, is it 2 years on at this point? Anyway, as much as I'd love to meet up with him, I'm afraid China ain't floating my boat at this juncture so I'll give you a rundown on what is.
Time and money no object. Probably at the top of the list is...
The Trans-Siberian Express

Since my round the world in a whirlwind tour lasting four months, I've taken this year to re-acclimatise and visit friends, family and relations and a bit of Europe. I've hit Italy and Slovakia for the first time this year and will have a short weekend in Madrid before the year's end and perhaps even Munich for a short hit on the beer bong at Oktoberfest. So that'll be Germany and Spain added to the first time ever list.
As a kid growing up, I literally went to France every year which was more than most, I'll readily admit but the variety of going somewhere different was kinda denied and that probably led to the break out last year and run across four continents. Perhaps not the mature response.
In any case, I've concretised it down to three major options at this point, that hey, will all be done at some point and two fallbacks which will also be done at some point. It's all just a question of when and in what order. There's also the small matter of little Dave in Foshan, China who might seem the rational choice for a visit but I did stop in and say hello when he was in Vancouver and he's probably moved to China for life at this stage, is it 2 years on at this point? Anyway, as much as I'd love to meet up with him, I'm afraid China ain't floating my boat at this juncture so I'll give you a rundown on what is.
Time and money no object. Probably at the top of the list is...
The Trans-Siberian Express

Yes. Running from Moscow to Vladivostok, seven straight days on the train or you can choose to break it up over the more hospitable 12 day variant, with a stop off at Lake Baikal in Irkutsk, this is the one of those infamous trips that sets the mind off into a reverie. Plenty of time for a reverie mind on a train that is travelling at approx. 60 km/h over a distance that's in excess of 9,000 kms! If I had managed six months off last time out, doubtless I would have taken this option up. The cost is dependent on the level of comfort desired but a basic budget of €5,000 should do the entire trip including flight to Moscow and extraction somehow from Vladivostok. Apparently, there's a highly recommended ferry to Japan but Vladivostok Air also goes to Japan. It'd probably be a cold day in hell before I take an internal flight in Russia given the safety record but I also really hate going back the same way I came. So, sure there are security concerns, comfort might include sharing a 4 man compartment with 3 complete strangers and probably Russian strangers at that and the language and food difficulties could be next to insurmountable. Still. It draws me. I have the guidebook and thinking cap on, very much for this one.
Likely Timeframe: May or Sept 2008/2009 (14 days minimum)
Itinerary: Dublin to Moscow -> Moscow to Vladivostok -> Vladivostok to Osaka -> Osaka to San Francisco -> San Francisco to Dublin
Budget: €5,000
Next up...

Likely Timeframe: May or Sept 2008/2009 (14 days minimum)
Itinerary: Dublin to Moscow -> Moscow to Vladivostok -> Vladivostok to Osaka -> Osaka to San Francisco -> San Francisco to Dublin
Budget: €5,000
Next up...

Again, another one that may have been completed last time out given more latitude on the sabbatical and the simple fact that OneWorld would not allow me to book both flights to the USA and Cuba on the same round the world ticket. How's that for small print! In any case, I have a certain desire to visit Cuba before Fidel passes on and the whole thing goes native in a big way in an unabashed resurrection of captialism. But at the same time, you would have to be stunningly naieve not to think that Cuba is a totally warped experience for a tourist, in between the dollarisation of the tourism economy and the simple fact that the locals are constantly on the lookout for hard currency, it would probably be far more draining than Venezuela. If you weren't prepared just to spend the time lounging in the five star hotel, the positive and negative of the Cuban experiment are probably off limits to the vast majority. Still, it's the land of Che, I've been to Rosario which was his birthplace and consequently the temptation is strong.
Likely Timeframe: May 2008/2009
Itinerary: Erm. Cuba I guess. (7 days minimum)
Budget: No idea. How much is rum?

Likely Timeframe: May 2008/2009
Itinerary: Erm. Cuba I guess. (7 days minimum)
Budget: No idea. How much is rum?

Ooh. Controversial, eh! Yes well, I've always had a soft spot for Israel and that's hard to do when you've done a Masters in Politics and associated with liberal lefties let me tell you. But still and all, I'm deeply intrigued by the place and the people. I'm into the history of the creation of the state and what has happened since, I've no big desire to get into the religious tourism but I wouldn't necessarily be adverse to checking some out, obviously, it's not my thang but I can appreciate the interest. I think it would be an entirely fascinating country in which to just kick it and talk to people. It's one of those that goes into the category of, definitely, at some stage.
Likely Timeframe: May 2009/2010 (7-10 days)
Itinerary: Tel Aviv; Jerusalem; Dead Sea
Budget: How much is a 'shekel' worth?
Moving on...
Buenos Aires to Valparaiso (Argentina to Chile - Part II)

Yes, I've been before. But I really like Argentina and I didn't do justice to Santiago last time out, I guess. Although I had a real blast. I'd like to come back and with a budget, do some of the West of Argentina and the incredible bus trip over the Andes from Mendoza into Santiago which I missed out on last time. I've drawn a little red dotted line on the map for you there which gives the indicative itinerary. There ain't much to this one, it'd be just cool to revisit BA and Rosario on a budget, check out Cordoba and Mendoza and then finally make it beyond Santiago to Valparaiso like I promised my mate Ronan, who spent lots of time in Chile and whose wife is in fact Chilean. I kinda got sidetracked in the old Hostel in Bellavista last I was there.
Likely Timeframe: April 2010/2011 (14 days)
Itinerary: Buenos Aires; Rosario; Cordoba; Mendoza; Santiago; Valparaiso
Budget: Flights would cost about €800. Buses about €300 and living about €100 a day, mebbe €150 if I felt like staying somewhere "nice" - €2,500 - 3,000
Now to the back ups...

Likely Timeframe: April 2010/2011 (14 days)
Itinerary: Buenos Aires; Rosario; Cordoba; Mendoza; Santiago; Valparaiso
Budget: Flights would cost about €800. Buses about €300 and living about €100 a day, mebbe €150 if I felt like staying somewhere "nice" - €2,500 - 3,000
Now to the back ups...

Again! Straight out of left field you say. Well yes but not really. I've been down the West coast as far as Biarritz, I've lived in Nantes and gone to college there. I'm in La Rochelle every year and of course I've done Paris but at the same time. The South, the Alps, the East and Normandy remains largely a mystery, a bit of a tour round, even just to see that crazy bridge / viaduct in Millau would be something. A roadtrip of sorts. It's there as a back up.
Likely Timeframe: Some point in the future. Probably three weeks or so.
Itinerary: Erm. France!
Budget: Probably about €100-150 a day. Boat over could cost €500. Pricey enough when you think about it...
And finally...

Holy shit! Yes indeed, well, I've been places but I've got a very specific idea for a very specific trip around this country. Does it include alcohol? Yes. But, it's all for another time folks, other things like just taking a boat on the Shannon, I've never done it but there's always a decent level of interest in it. Donegal is always a cool place but mebbe that could be just a weekend. Still haven't seen the Giants Causeway either...
Likely Timeframe: Oh, on and off for the rest of me life probably.
Itinerary: Anywhere but Dublin.
Budget: Damn expensive. Mebbe after the recession and we've absorbed the nascent property crash things will be better!
So there you have it, just some thoughts on places and trips that I'm thinking about. 2008 will include one of these but I haven't quite made my mind up, citybreaks to Berlin, Copenhagen, Amsterdam are all on the cards and a return to Eastern Europe at some point in the future, probably Krakow or Warsaw I'd guess.
But you know, if we had infinite time and infinite cash, we'd only spend our time travelling I think.
posted by Christophe at 21.8.07

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