A Complete Explanation Of Everything
Saturday, July 7, 2007
A few small repairs...
Knocked out Last FM from my profile there on the sidebar, don't really use it anymore to be honest and don't see why I'll be going back. If I find a better or rather more convenient way of giving insights into what I've been listening to lately, I'll throw it in.
Also, more webcomix...
"Diesel Sweeties" and "You'll have that" are pretty cool. I kind of was turned off initially by Diesel Sweeties, purely on the style but now I'm getting into it, you'll see in a couple of weeks what I mean as it's a guest fortnight I think running on there right now.
"You'll have that", I used to dip in and out of, I like Wes Molebash's style tho', and his comic is kinda channeling the good Garfield minus a large marmalade cat.
Oh yeah, if you're rooting round for something to read on the interwebs, you might wanna check out these following sites, that I've been scooting onto on a regular basis...
Mackozer - Ireland from a Polish Perspective
And there are SWEEETTTT!!!! casey updates to be had at:
Exurban Nation
Don't hate casey - ok, maybe you should...
And not updates, but if you haven't been, get thee hence to:
Caseypedia - itsallgood
It's a good bibliography, from a Haterz perspective tho', on the casey serin phenomenon... Find out all about, the blue ball, Galina, win-wins, hell even find out what a Haterz is!!!
Again, enjoy...
Also, more webcomix...
"Diesel Sweeties" and "You'll have that" are pretty cool. I kind of was turned off initially by Diesel Sweeties, purely on the style but now I'm getting into it, you'll see in a couple of weeks what I mean as it's a guest fortnight I think running on there right now.
"You'll have that", I used to dip in and out of, I like Wes Molebash's style tho', and his comic is kinda channeling the good Garfield minus a large marmalade cat.
Oh yeah, if you're rooting round for something to read on the interwebs, you might wanna check out these following sites, that I've been scooting onto on a regular basis...
Mackozer - Ireland from a Polish Perspective
And there are SWEEETTTT!!!! casey updates to be had at:
Exurban Nation
Don't hate casey - ok, maybe you should...
And not updates, but if you haven't been, get thee hence to:
Caseypedia - itsallgood
It's a good bibliography, from a Haterz perspective tho', on the casey serin phenomenon... Find out all about, the blue ball, Galina, win-wins, hell even find out what a Haterz is!!!
Again, enjoy...
posted by Christophe at 7.7.07

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