A Complete Explanation Of Everything
Friday, March 7, 2008
Q & A
Interested in your thoughts on whether socialism has to be redefined though.
Again, this depends classically on the associations and definition you begin with. To a large extent, I think the majority are in agreement on this here, the vast swathe of humanity you encounter in your daily life have notorious preconceptions of what socialism / communism is, was and could be.
They hold alot of things constant about it.
Today, I came across this epithet...
Capitalism spreads prosperity unevenly.
Communism spreads misery evenly.
Quite obviously, to get into a discussion with this guy and he is a very intelligent guy, you need to start by reclaiming the ground you're looking to argue from and I don't need to tell you that.
So why am I telling you that?
Because, it shows that the variant of socialism (which is by no means my proposed end game for humanity) that I hold dear or espouse does not require redefinition, it requires defining.
Most people don't know what socialism or even what the former communist states represented and it's a very important part of the argument to consistently disspell the truths but also to quite candidly bring out all that was wrong and evil with those totalitarian regimes.
And by the way, I agree entirely with your thesis, a cohesive revolution is a long way away and I'll be but the remnants of human flesh corporeal on some slab in some crematorium being exposed to temperatures and mixed with thousands of other similarly fated souls for aeons to come before this too shall pass.
But by acknowledging things as they were and consistently taking a positive line in arguing for socialism, I know that when the systems eventually align with my thinking and perspective on life, I'll have played some very small part.
The particle is still on my back.
posted by Christophe at 7.3.08

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