A Complete Explanation Of Everything
Friday, April 4, 2008
Desperate Dan, the odd man out...
Ok, skimming through the doom and gloom merchants chief website, RTE.ie, I came across the following gem from our good friends at Bank of Ireland and Desperate Dan McLaughlin...
"BoI's Job Outlook is Brighter"
O'course, that was a week ago before we got the news today that we had the biggest increase on the live register ever, or since 1968, depending on who you believe and Desperate probably has a new forecast... But he'd better underpin it with something more realistic than:
"BoI's Job Outlook is Brighter"
O'course, that was a week ago before we got the news today that we had the biggest increase on the live register ever, or since 1968, depending on who you believe and Desperate probably has a new forecast... But he'd better underpin it with something more realistic than:
"Bank of Ireland's chief economist Dan McLaughlin insisted today that strong employment growth in the services sector would more than compensate for job losses in the construction sector."
Insist away Dan but for people to work in the Services industry you need people to have actual money to fucking spend!!! And that would entail real jobs elsewhere and not in the Services industry!!!
Anyway my original point, was the sunny beam of positive optimism that Desperate Dan's rubbish represented in the midst of these headlines immediately adjacent:
Related Stories
"Central Bank lowers growth forecasts"
"Ahern gives lower growth forecast"
"Report sees pick-up after slower 2008"
"Solid 2007 growth, but late slowdown"
Top Headlines
"Shocking' March Live Register rise"
"Central Bank lowers forecasts again"
"March US jobs drop third in a row"
"Education gap worries Sutherland"
"IMF warns of Irish housing slump"
It's a wonder, Desperate's nickname isn't Comical, ain't that right, David???

Anyway my original point, was the sunny beam of positive optimism that Desperate Dan's rubbish represented in the midst of these headlines immediately adjacent:
Related Stories
"Central Bank lowers growth forecasts"
"Ahern gives lower growth forecast"
"Report sees pick-up after slower 2008"
"Solid 2007 growth, but late slowdown"
Top Headlines
"Shocking' March Live Register rise"
"Central Bank lowers forecasts again"
"March US jobs drop third in a row"
"Education gap worries Sutherland"
"IMF warns of Irish housing slump"
It's a wonder, Desperate's nickname isn't Comical, ain't that right, David???

posted by Christophe at 4.4.08

that photo is crying out for a caption competition... answers on a postcard!
We had a little caption competition for it on the 'pin, none of the entries were very good though...
I'd say that's probably Dave or the Foppish one's (as I like to call him) standard reaction to Dan...
By the looks of him on Q&A last night, his boyish floppy (foppish!) fringe needs some TLC. I would have thought the witty dudes at the pin would have come up with something stellar - I'm disappointed :( The look in desperate Dan's eyes is fantastic: it's like ' I know you're taking the piss out of me but I don't really understand how so I'll just smile anyway and pretend I get it'
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